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10 Delicious Traditional Balinese Foods

Bali is one of the favorite destinations for tourists, both domestic and foreign, thanks to its popularity. Due to Bali's high demand, entrepreneurs have opened numerous cafes and restaurants on the island. This has resulted in tourists being more familiar with the names of popular cafes in Bali compared to traditional Balinese food. However, Bali still offers a variety of specialties that visitors must try while on vacation there. Here are ten traditional Balinese foods that will surely captivate your taste buds.

1. Duck Betutu or Bebek Betutu

Mek Rati Betutu

It is said that the duck betutu, originating from Kuta, Bali, is a favorite dish among the kings of Bali. Its unique cooking method involves massaging the seasoned duck meat beforehand. It is believed that massaging the duck meat makes it tender and allows the marinade to penetrate deeply into the meat and bones. The massaged duck is then wrapped in banana leaves or betel leaves and baked in a fire fueled by husks. The cooking process for betutu duck takes several hours, which is why it is typically reserved for special occasions or religious ceremonies. Apart from betutu duck, there is also betutu chicken, with the only difference being the type of meat used. One well-known producer of betutu is located in Melinggih Village, Ubud District, Gianyar.

2. Babi Guling

Everyone must have heard of this traditional Balinese dish called "Babi Guling" or Pork Roll. It is made by stuffing a young pork belly with a mixture of herbs and vegetables, such as cassava leaves, and then roasting it on a spit until cooked. Originally, Babi Guling was prepared specifically for ceremonial or religious occasions. However, nowadays, it is readily available in various restaurants, cafes, and hotels throughout Bali. The most renowned Babi Guling is known to come from Gianyar.

3. Bubur Mengguh


Mengguh porridge is a typical porridge from the northern region of Bali, specifically Buleleng. It is often served during traditional ceremonies. Mengguh porridge is made from rice and coconut milk and is accompanied by seasoned shredded chicken. It is served with a rich chicken broth and vegetables, which are separately garnished. The taste is delightful, combining savory and slightly spicy flavors with crisp vegetable toppings.

4. Srombotan

Srombotan is a traditional vegetable dish from Klungkung, Bali. It consists of fresh vegetables such as kale, green beans, and cabbage, seasoned with a unique flavoring called Kalas. Kalas is a mixture of mashed turmeric, coconut milk, galangal, shallots, garlic, coriander, and a touch of kencur, cooked until thickened. Kalas is the distinctive element of srombotan. This dish is traditionally served with a spicy peanut sauce and mixed thoroughly to evenly coat the vegetables with the sauce.

5. Nasi Jinggo

Jinggo rice, also known as nasi jinggo, is a Balinese dish where white rice is served wrapped in a banana leaf along with various side dishes and sauce. The rice is portioned into fist-sized servings, and the accompanying side dishes typically include sambal goreng tempe (fried tempeh in chili sauce), serundeng (spiced grated coconut), and shredded chicken. It is said that the name "Jinggo" (or "Jenggo") originated from the Hokkien word "jeng go," which means one thousand five hundred. Prior to the 1997 monetary crisis, Jinggo rice was sold for Rp 1500.00 per serving. The small portion of rice is reminiscent of the typical cat rice found in angkringan stalls in Central Java.

6. Lawar

Warung Lawars Bali

It's not Kelelawar, or in English, the bat, yes! Lawar is a dish made by cooking a mixture of boiled vegetables, roasted coconut, and spiced meat called cingcang. The meats used include beef, pork, chicken, ducks, and turtles. The vegetables used are young jackfruit, papaya, distance leaves, and nuts. There are various types of lawar. When it comes to color, there are white lawar and red lawar. Red lawar is made by using a mixture of blood from the meat. There are also lawar dishes named after the type of meat or vegetables used, such as pork lawar and jackfruit lawar.

7. Nasi Tepeng


Nasi tepeng is a traditional Balinese food from Gianyar, Bali. It is known for its spiciness and savory flavor, as it is cooked with alkaline genep, a complete blend of spices and herbs. Nasi tepeng is typically served with vegetables such as beans, red beans, young jackfruit, eggplant, Moringa leaves, and shredded coconut. It is commonly served on banana leaves and is considered a staple breakfast for the citizens of Gianyar.

8. Sate Plecing

Sate plecing is a dish that includes chicken, pork, fish, or seafood. What sets it apart is that instead of the usual peanut sauce served with satay skewers, this dish is served with plecing condiments. Plecing itself is a traditional Indonesian food from Lombok and Bali. Plecing is a tomato sauce made with cayenne pepper, salt, shrimp paste, tomatoes, and sometimes a few drops of lime are added for flavor.

9. Sate Lilit

Sate lilit is made by mashing the fish meat and adding typical Balinese flour and spices. The satay is then prepared by wrapping the fish meat around lemongrass skewers. It has a distinctive taste that combines spiciness, fragrance, sweetness, and savory flavors with the aroma of lemongrass. Not only is it delicious, but the satay is also considered healthy due to its low-fat content.

10. Tum Ayam


Tum ayam is a traditional Balinese food preparation similar to Pepes. The chicken meat is chopped and seasoned with various spices and coconut milk, then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed.

Wow... It turns out that Bali has a variety of delicious culinary delights! So, if you are planning to take a vacation to Bali, don't forget to try traditional Balinese food. Especially for spicy food enthusiasts, you will definitely fall in love with the average spicy flavor found in Balinese cuisine. Sedaaap!


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