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10 most beautiful beaches in Bali stunning 2015's

10 most beautiful beaches in Bali stunning 2015's

Almost all tourists who vacation in Bali, certainly will visit the beaches, especially the beaches have white sand with views of the sunset.

Bali island has plenty of beaches with white sand and black sand beaches and each beach has its own uniqueness and beauty. Locations beach in Bali spread almost all over the island of Bali.
10 Pantai Terindah Di Bali

List of beach in Bali.
So much choice on the coast of the island, tourists will certainly look for the most beautiful and most popular beaches to visit during the holidays. The question is, where in the Bali beaches are the most beautiful and worth visiting?

To answer the question would be the most beautiful beach in Bali are worth a visit, I will write on this page about the 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali.

Surely in the assessment will be a selection of 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali will be difficult to avoid subjective assessment.

To avoid and reduce the subjective assessment of the 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali this page, I use the opinion and choice of domestic travelers in choosing the 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali.

Data on the beach in Bali that get the most and the preferred choice of domestic tourists because of its beauty, I took from domestic travelers who have used the services Bali tour packages that we provide and car rental plus driver in Bali.

List of 10 Most Beautiful Beaches in Bali Domestic Travelers Favourites

Here is a list of 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali and is best visited for domestic tourists.

1. Nusa Dua Beach Bali

Nusa Dua Beach Bali

Nusa Dua beach domestic tourists preferred to visit while on holiday in Bali because the beach is one of the cleanest beaches on the island of Bali. Because cleanliness is always awake makes me put Nusa Dua beach at number one in the list of 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali.

Causes of Nusa Dua beach very clean, because along the beach of Nusa Dua there are five-star hotels and there is always a janitor who cleans the beach.

Nusa Dua Beach there are two beaches, the beaches and coastal Geger Mengiat, the beach is more suitable for swimming and safe for children to play, because the waves are small, very suitable for family travel along the coast.

Besides the beach, in Nusa Dua Bali there are also tourist spot favored by youth, his name Waterblow Bali.

Pantai Nusa Dua Bali

2. Jimbaran Beach

Jimbaran beach

Bali Jimbaran beach favored by domestic tourists because it offers a unique activity ie, dinner with grilled seafood dishes at the edge of Jimbaran beach, while watching a spectacular sunset.

Jimbaran beach is more suitable for tourists visiting honeymooners who want a romantic dinner off the coast.

Pantai Jimbaran

3. Kuta Beach Bali

Kuta Beach Bali

I am sure you know or have a vacation in Bali's Kuta beach, one of the white sand beaches of Bali's most popular and very well known to kemancanegara.

Appeal of Bali Kuta beach makes tourists really like a vacation to the beach of Kuta is located at:

Access to the beach is very close to the Ngurah Rai airport.
White sand gently sloping and very spacious.
Means and infrastructure supporting tourism widely available, such as hotels, restaurants, malls.
Sunset scenic beauty.
Pantai Kuta Bali
4. Beach Pandawa

Beach Pandawa - 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali

Beach Pandavas is currently popular among domestic tourists and most of the domestic tourists who vacation in southern Bali tourist spots, always include the Pandavas visited beaches.

The uniqueness and beauty of the beach Pandavas located at:

Stone cliff with a statue five Pandavas.
Fine white sand and clean.
The sea water is calm and bluish.
Suitable for swimming and canoeing activities.Pantai Pandawa - 10 pantai terindah di Bali

5. Sanur Beach Bali

Sanur Beach Bali

If the majority of the white sand beach in southern Bali has a beautiful view of the sunset, in contrast to Sanur beach which has a beautiful sights of sunrise / sunrise.

The layout of the coastline of Sanur which was Bali eastern coastal area create a view of the sunrise on Sanur beach is very beautiful. Not only the view of the sunrise, Sanur beach also has a very clean white sand and suitable for swimming activity.Pantai Sanur Bali

6. Karma Kandara Beach

Coastal Karma Kandara Ungasan - 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali

For those who feel the beach Pandavas too crowded for a visit and wanted a view of the beach as the beach Pandavas but do not want a lot of visitors, then you should choose a beach Karma Kandara.

Karma Kandara beach adjacent to the beach Pandavas alike - both located in the tourist area of ​​Bali Ungasan, therefore karater beach has almost the same.

The difference is Karma Kandara's beach entrance ticket must pay Rp 250,000 / person, it makes the beach Karma Kandara is very quiet and privacy of visitors awake.

With the entrance fee of Rp 250,000 / person, you can use the admission ticket to buy food and minimum in one of the fancy restaurants on the beach Karma Kandara.

For those of you who want privacy, clean sand beaches, the beauty of the sea like the Mediterranean sea and certainly do not mind paying the entrance fee of Rp 250,000 / person. Then the beach Karma Kandara Ungasan I highly recommend to visit.

Pantai Karma Kandara Ungasan - 10 pantai terindah di Bali

7. Tanah Lot Beach

Tanah Lot Beach

Tanah Lot Beach has a popularity similar to Bali Kuta beach. Every day crowded with tourists visit both domestic and foreign.

So famous Tanah Lot Bali's beaches among domestic travelers, make the most of the service providers Bali tour package, always included in the package tour travel service in Bali with menggunjungi mainland coast.

For example, a package tour of this Tanah Lot!

The beauty of the beach Tanah Lot Bali is located on the scenic sunset with a silhouette of the temple which is in the middle of the sea.

Pantai Tanah Lot
8. Virgin Beach Karangasem Bali

Virgin beaches Beach Bali

Karangasem virgin beach among the local people better known by the name of Karangasem Perasi coast. Karangasem referred to as virgin beaches, because the location of the hidden virgin beaches and is located in the district of Karangasem, one of the districts most eastern island of Bali.

For the current location of Karangasem virgin beach not many people know, therefore Karangasem Perasi coast into the category of hidden beaches in Bali.
Pantai Virgin Beach Bali

9. Dreamland Beach

-Dreamland beach, Bali

Dreamland beach beauty almost similar to Bali Kuta beach, with beautiful clean white sand as well as ramps and tourism support facilities such as restaurant and villa are also many beaches around Dreamland Bali.

In contrast to Bali's Kuta beach, Dreamland beach are white rocks that surround the beach, it creates its own scenic beauty. The Dreamland beach, you can also see the sunset view.

10. West Coast Menjangan Bali

Beaches Menjangan Bali Barat

The last of the list of 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali is Bali Menjangan west coast. Lies the beauty of the beaches on the island of Bali Menjangan west rather than on the white sand or views of the sunset but the beauty lies in the underwater panorama.

I was so beautiful underwater scenery on the beach Menjangan, such as natural coral reefs, colorful fish and blue sea water, making the beach in Menjangan island paradise for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts.

Pantai Menjangan Bali Barat
Thus the list of the 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali. For readers who have suggestions or the name of the other beaches in Bali, which is more beautiful than the list of 10 most beautiful beaches in Bali above. Please write the name of a beach in the comments below, of course, also wrote about the beauty of the beach.


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